On March 9th, 13 Breezer illustrators (and one writer) visited the fabulous Fox Theater in Atlanta, on our second Artists’ Date. We brought sketchbooks and cameras, and spent two luxurious hours soaking in the atmosphere. The historic Fox Theater was originally built as a Shriner’s temple in the late 1920s and the interior is described as a masterpiece of trompe l’oeil. There are false balconies, beams, and tents, as well as ornate grillwork, lamps, phone booths, closets, and doors. No item, even the most practical, has been left unadorned. It was truly a feast for the eyes. We visited different areas within the auditorium, as well as the lobbies, restrooms, back hallway, and the Egyptian Ballroom. Afterwards at lunch in a nearby restaurant, the illustrators passed around their sketchbooks – sharing the morning’s inspirations. Below are some sketches from the day. Can't wait for the next Artists' Date!
That's a quote—and tip—I take to heart from illustrator Will Terry, who spoke recently at the SCBWI Southern Breeze Illustrators’ Day during Springmingle in February. It has taken many years of yearning and indecision before finally pursuing a career in illustration, and I can thank such encouragement from others for my commitment to stay the course.
It was an eye-opening and rewarding experience to be able to show my portfolio to the distinguished professionals and to view those of fellow illustrators in attendance at the conference. I took away lots to think about regarding career directions as well as how my work may develop. The illustrious speakers and the officers and volunteers of Southern Breeze deserve a hearty and appreciative thank you for producing such an information-packed event. This was the first SCBWI conference I have attended, and I thoroughly enjoyed meeting several members of Southern Breeze. I look forward to seeing them again at future conferences and events!
While I did not have the pleasure of knowing Liz Conrad in her lifetime, what I have learned is that “never quit” can be used to describe her tenacity for life in the face of great adversity. One can but admire and want to emulate the courage and work ethic that enabled her to pursue her greatest passion throughout all her days. As a graduate student on a budget, I was very fortunate to attend the 2013 Springmingle weekend on the scholarship made possible by the family and friends of Liz Conrad. It is a privilege and a great honor. Thank you so much for your generosity!
“Creativity is thinking up new things. Innovation is doing new things.” While this quote comes from an economist, it’s also an important mindset for artists, as we learned at Illustrators’ Day 2013! In an event packed with presentations by industry pros and topped off with a fabulous cocktail party hosted by Binders Art Supply, attendees benefited from a jump start to their creativity and were reminded that it’s critical in today’s world to be entrepreneurs in addition to being illustrators. Many fresh ideas came from Chad Beckerman, Art Director at Abrams Books for Young Readers, and illustrator extraordinaire Will Terry. Chad and Will provided eye-opening and innovative ideas such as promoting your work on the photo sharing app Instagram or using the crowd-funding platform Kickstarter.com to finance a self-published book concept.
Adding to the inspiring presentations, illustrator Mark Braught discussed the mentorship project he supervised. Each illustrator selected one item from each of three lists – places, time periods and animals – and created an environment that communicated how the illustrator perceived him or herself. Mark’s students were invited to the front to show their finished pieces and field questions.
Last but not least, Dianne Hess (Executive Editor at Scholastic Press) joined everyone for a review of attendees’ self-promotional items and portfolios. Everyone benefitted from the constructive criticism provided by our experts.
Illustrators’ Day left us all anticipating the next great event! Many thanks to our Southern Breeze Illustrator Coordinator Elizabeth Dulemba and Assistant Coordinator Kathleen Bradshaw for making these events happen.